Recruitment and web marketing sales for the funeral industry Mid-career recruitment entry form Please fill out the application form and send it. Please refer toherefor our privacy policy. ※ indicates required fields. name ※ Name: Furigana) ※ 年齢 ※ age 生年月日 ※ 性別 ※ malewoman ご住所 ※ telephone number ※ (mobile phone possible) (Example) 03-1234-5678 email address ※ 学歴 最終学歴 ※ 例)平成15年3月 ○○高校卒 平成18年3月 △大学△学部△学科△専攻(必要に応じて消長)終了 ※履歴書の記載のように卒業年次と最終学歴を記入してください。 学歴補足 職務経歴 ※ 保有資格 志望動機 ※ 自己PR ※ ファイルアップロード Consent form About the handling of personal information 1. Name of business operator Optimizer Inc. 2.Personal information protection manager Optimizer Co., Ltd. PMS Manager TEL: 03-4405-9595 Fax: 03-4405-9596 3.Purpose of use of personal information 弊社が取得した個人情報は、厳重なる管理の上、下記の範囲内で取り扱い、目的外の利用はいたしません。個人情報のご提供は任意ですが、提供されなかった場合は、採用選考とならない場合がありますことをご了承下さい。 採用募集に関する個人情報 ・採用選考のため ・会社情報および応募要領等、就職活動に供する情報の提供のため ・上記にかかわる連絡のため 4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties We will not provide it to third parties except in the following cases. ・When required by law ・When there is an urgent need to protect human life, body, property, etc. 5. Consignment of personal information In order to achieve the purpose of use in 3. above, we may outsource. We will conclude an "Information Leakage Prevention Agreement" with our subcontractors, and will conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of our subcontractors to ensure the safe management of the personal information we consign. 6. Requests for Disclosure, etc. We will respond to requests for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties from the person himself or his agent regarding the acquired personal information. For requests for disclosure, etc., please contact the "Personal Information Protection Complaints and Consultation Desk" below. 7. Inquiries, complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information For inquiries, complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information, please contact our "Personal Information Protection Complaints and Consultation Desk". Personal Information Protection Complaints and Consultation Desk Phone: 03-4405-9595 Fax: 03-4405-9596 that's all I agree to the "Handling of Personal Information" above.