クリエイティブ制作にあたり意識すべき点2 前回の色・フォントまとめに続き、今回はクリエイティブのクオリティを上げるための余白・文字加工についてまとめました。 余白 デザイン全体の余白、行間の余白、文字とオブジェクトの余白など様々ですが、あるのとないのとでは、見やすさや受ける印象が大きく変わります。バランスを見てうまく余白を取ることで、視線を集めたい部分に注目させる、余裕のあるデザインになります。 —ポイント— 字間 … 文字と文字の間の余白です。狭すぎると窮屈で読みにくい印象。 行間 …文章の行と行の余白です。字…
Affiliate serviceを展開するASP「MediPartner」が電話(通電)の成果計測が可能となる機能をリリース 株式会社オプティマイザー(本社:東京都港区元赤坂1-1-7 オリエント赤坂モートサイドビル2F、代表:田川 周作)は、2024年7月1日(月)に自社プロダクトであるASP「MediPartner(メディパートナー)」内の機能追加として、「通電による成果計測」をリリース致しました。 本リリースにより、弊社ASPを介して、通電プログラムの成果取得が可能となり、広告主様とアフィリエイター様(※1)との掲載条件及び集客方法のダイバーシティ(多様性)の拡大を目的としております。 ※1 成果報酬型の広告を掲…
SmartNewsの「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」配信の検証 GoogleやFacebookと同じように、SmartNewsでも配信は媒体の自動最適化が推奨されています。通常は「コンバージョン数の最大化」で設定をしていますが、担当案件で行き詰まりを感じていたため「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」の検証を行いました。oCPCとはいわゆる「目標CPA」のこととなります。 1.「コンバージョン数の最大化」と「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」 「コンバージョン数の最大化」入札方法:クリック優先目標:コンバージョン数※配信タイプは選択できません。1日あた…
アフィリエイトサービスを展開するASP「MediPartner(メディパートナー)」がLINE友達追加の成果計測が可能となる機能をリリース 株式会社オプティマイザー(本社:東京都港区元赤坂1-1-7 オリエント赤坂モートサイドビル2F、代表:田川 周作)は、2024年2月1日(火)に自社プロダクトであるASP「MediPartner(メディパートナー)」内の機能追加として、「LINEの友達追加の成果計測」をリリース致しました。 本リリースにより、弊社ASPを介して、LINE友達登録の成果取得が可能となり、広告主様とアフィリエイター様(※1)との掲載条件及び集客方法のダイバーシティ(多様性)の拡大を目的としております。 ※1 成果報酬…
Introduced by Career High Career Change 株式会社メルセンヌ様が運営する「キャリハイ転職」で当社が紹介されました。https://www.correc.co.jp/careerhigh/entry/optimizer-hyouban
Notification of phone number change We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage. We would like to inform you that from January 1, 2022, our company's representative number and marketing division phone number will be changed as follows. Main phone number New number: 03-6821-2080 (Formerly: 03-4405-9595) Marketing Division Phone number New number: 03-6821-2081 (Formerly: 03-4405-9611) We apologize for the inconvenience. However, we would appreciate it if you would correct the phone number, etc.
Instagram campaign measures Instagram campaign measures You can also interview users! Optimizer's Instagram campaign that utilizes the know-how of web advertising! Do you have any of these problems? I can't increase my followers...I'm afraid that the campaign will violate the rules.I don't know how to operate Instagram ads, and the cost per click is high... Optimizer will use the know-how we have accumulated in web advertising to help you campaign for your Instagram account! What is Instagram? "Keep you close to the people you love and the things you love...
Ad Ebisu Consulting Ad Ebis Consulting We use Ad Ebis, which centrally manages and measures diversified advertising measures, to analyze and optimize budget allocation for improving the performance of the entire measure. What is Ad Ebis "Ad Ebis" is a marketing effect measurement tool that measures, analyzes, and optimizes marketing measures in order to optimize marketing measures. By converting everything into data, it becomes clear to the user "which channel", "what content", and "at what timing" is the best approach. What you can do with Ad Ebis ・Manage all measures collectively …
Promotion using YouTubers and influencers What is a YouTuber/Influencer? In recent years, media such as YouTube and Instagram have become increasingly popular among young people. Users who have a lot of viewers and followers in those media are called YouTubers and influencers. YouTubers/influencers are generally called YouTuber/influencer measures to receive requests from companies and introduce products and services. If you introduce a product or service to a person with a large number of subscribers or followers, the number will increase in an instant.
Unlimited real analytics Using AI and technology, real-time analysis is possible, including tracking viewership, gaze, gender, and age, along with automatic temperature checks. All data is analyzed through a one-stop solution. It could achieve data analysis without relying on intuition with easy setup, involving only the rental of measurement cameras and system boxes.
Signage What is digital signage? Digital signage is a general term for devices that use electronic display devices such as displays to transmit information in various places such as stores, transportation facilities, and public facilities. The market is expanding as a tool for disseminating information optimized for facility users and visitors due to the price reduction of the display itself and the diversification of the distribution content. In particular, in anticipation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the number of new installations, additions, and replacements will increase, and in terms of functionality, multilingualization and high resolution will progress, making it an interactive content.
Unlimited Signage Rent a free unlimited signage BOX and connect to the display. This is a service that allows you to freely operate signage anytime, anywhere. Just connect the unlimited signage BOX to your display! No dedicated server or complicated initial setup required. It can be operated in offices, shops, waiting rooms, and stores as long as there is an internet environment (wi-fi or LAN cable!).
Fully automated supply and demand management service for new energy providers Japan's First! A patented and unique development! The AI-driven fully automated energy supply-demand and adjustment management cloud "Energy Partner Series." Achieving advanced coordination through systemization, this service provides a rapid and cost-effective fully automated supply-demand management solution. Optimizer has completed research and ..
Self-consumption type renewable energy supply "Digiene" "Dejien" is a self-consumption type renewable energy supply. During disasters, there is a possibility of critical issues for business continuity, such as: (1) Power supply outage (blackout) (2) Gas supply outage (3) Water supply outage (fuel procurement, gas stations). Power outage leads to complete stoppage of computers, telephones, lighting, air conditioning, and production lines. Gas outage affects the availability of baths. Water outage affects ...
Relative power trading platform Over 40 member companies! Independent of the wholesale market! Introducing a new electricity trading (bilateral trading) platform. Currently, securing a stable power source unaffected by wholesale price fluctuations is in demand. In January 2021, the price surge at the Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX) has drawn attention to alternative power sourcing outside of JEPX. While the causes and solutions are still under discussion, there is a growing movement among retail..