
Notice of summer holidays



前回の色・フォントまとめに続き、今回はクリエイティブのクオリティを上げるための余白・文字加工についてまとめました。 余白 デザイン全体の余白、行間の余白、文字とオブジェクトの余白など様々ですが、あるのとないのとでは、見やすさや受ける印象が大きく変わります。バランスを見てうまく余白を取ることで、視線を集めたい部分に注目させる、余裕のあるデザインになります。 —ポイント— 字間 … 文字と文字の間の余白です。狭すぎると窮屈で読みにくい印象。 行間 …文章の行と行の余白です。字…

Affiliate serviceを展開するASP「MediPartner」が電話(通電)の成果計測が可能となる機能をリリース

株式会社オプティマイザー(本社:東京都港区元赤坂1-1-7 オリエント赤坂モートサイドビル2F、代表:田川 周作)は、2024年7月1日(月)に自社プロダクトであるASP「MediPartner(メディパートナー)」内の機能追加として、「通電による成果計測」をリリース致しました。 本リリースにより、弊社ASPを介して、通電プログラムの成果取得が可能となり、広告主様とアフィリエイター様(※1)との掲載条件及び集客方法のダイバーシティ(多様性)の拡大を目的としております。 ※1 成果報酬型の広告を掲…

SmartNewsの「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」配信の検証

GoogleやFacebookと同じように、SmartNewsでも配信は媒体の自動最適化が推奨されています。通常は「コンバージョン数の最大化」で設定をしていますが、担当案件で行き詰まりを感じていたため「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」の検証を行いました。oCPCとはいわゆる「目標CPA」のこととなります。   1.「コンバージョン数の最大化」と「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」 「コンバージョン数の最大化」入札方法:クリック優先目標:コンバージョン数※配信タイプは選択できません。1日あた…


はじめに LPの構成の型は普遍的で、どの記事でも同じような流れが推奨されています。しかしながら、型に入れる「クリエイティブアイディア」でサービスの魅力の伝わり方が大きく変わります。 「クリエイティブアイディア」とは、斬新的な「かっこいい」や「かわいい」「おしゃれ」などではありません。商品・サービスの特徴や、業界あるいはターゲットユーザーによって異なる「伝わりやすい見せ方」を適切に選択することです。   成果の出るLPの基本構成 ❶ファーストビュー 📌ポイント何のサービスであるかパ…


株式会社オプティマイザー(本社:東京都港区元赤坂1-1-7 オリエント赤坂モートサイドビル2F、代表:田川 周作)は、2024年2月1日(火)に自社プロダクトであるASP「MediPartner(メディパートナー)」内の機能追加として、「LINEの友達追加の成果計測」をリリース致しました。 本リリースにより、弊社ASPを介して、LINE友達登録の成果取得が可能となり、広告主様とアフィリエイター様(※1)との掲載条件及び集客方法のダイバーシティ(多様性)の拡大を目的としております。 ※1 成果報酬…


さまざまなクリエイティブを制作してきたなかで、最低限なにに注意し作っているか、色・フォントに着目しまとめました。 色 デザインを始める際 ベースカラー、メインカラー、アクセントカラーの最低3色を決めることで、全体のデザインの統一感をキープできます。 ベースカラー:最も大きな面積を占める基本となる色(余白や背景・明度の高い色、淡い色・無彩色) メインカラー:印象を決定づける色(キャッチコピーなど ベースカラーより明度の低い色) アクセントカラー:メリハリをつけるための一番目立つ色(ボタンなどに使用…


■背景 急激に技術が進歩している画像生成AIは、広告の素材生成での活用が期待できる。一方で、まだ世界的にも法整備が追いついておらず、著作権問題をクリアにしなければならないこと、またAIを使う我々のスキル(主にはプロンプトを書くスキル)というネックがあり、完全に新しい素材を生成するというレベルでは、実用はまだ現実的ではない。 しかしながら、現段階でも十分実用可能な活用方法はあると考え、画像生成AIの活用の初歩といえる「画像の拡張」という使い方についてまとめた。 ■使用ツール Adobe Photo…

Adobe Firefly 活用事例・留意点

概要 Adobe Fireflyは、Adobe製品に新しく搭載された画像生成AIです。約6カ月間のベータ版の提供を経て、2023年9月13日に「Adobe Firefly」の正式版が公開され、商用利用が可能となりました。 Fireflyは同社のストックフォト「Adobe Stock」にアップされている許諾済み写真や、一般に公開されているライセンスコンテンツ、著作権が執行しているパブリックドメインの画像などを中心に学習しています。 機能 日本語を含む100以上の言語文章から画像を生成できるText…

Analysis of the effectiveness of TikTok advertising campaigns

Purpose: Understand the medium characteristics of TikTok and improve operational accuracy Measures/Countermeasures: Create ad sets for each creative type within the same campaign (targeting settings are the same) → There is a difference in CPM of more than double between ad sets So, I investigated what influences CPM. Hypothesis - There seems to be a correlation between the number of likes and CPM. - CPM drops sharply from the timing when the number of likes increases in a day (about the same day or the next day). →Loop of “The number of likes increases because the amount of imp increases” ・The admin screen says “Performance will improve if you turn on the comment function”…

Energy-saving measures to counter electricity price increases

■Purpose: As electricity rates are rising nationwide, students will learn to do what they can to save as much electricity as possible within reason. ■Causes of price increases Why are prices being raised in the first place? The reason for this is that the procurement costs of natural gas, oil, and coal have skyrocketed since February 2022 due to changes in the global situation, leading to an increase in electricity rates. ■Ratio of electricity usage in the home *Summer lighting period (around 7pm) 1st place: Air conditioner 2nd place: Lighting 3rd place: Refrigerator Of course, the amount of electricity used varies depending on the home appliances you use, but these three are the main ones. In addition, the latest home appliances are powered by...

Facebook CPM changes in seasonal factors

CPC (cost per click) is one of the important indicators in programmatic advertising. For Facebook ads, “CPM” and “CTR” determine the rise and fall of this CPC when distributing ads with IMP billing recommended by Meta. *Explanation of terms CPM: cost per million. Cost of 1,000 impressions CTR…click-through rate. The ratio of clicks to ad impressions. ■What are CPM and CPC in the first place? Facebook's CPC is calculated with the following formula:・ CPC formula CPM ÷ number of clicks (1,000 impressions…

Electricity cost reduction measures in the manufacturing industry

■Purpose At present, customers to whom we propose digital energy include supermarkets, factories, and nursing care facilities. Among them, factories in the manufacturing industry, which have a large area and consume a huge amount of electricity, are considered to be the most suitable targets for digital energy. I investigated what kind of efforts were being made at the factory. ■How to reduce the power cost of the factory... 1. Introduction of new power By signing a contract with "new power" that is cheaper than the current power company, it is possible to reduce the overall electricity bill. It is the easiest energy-saving measure to start because there is no introduction cost. 2, Introduction of self-consumption solar power generation …

Operational tips for Google Ads when the trade area is limited to the region

(1) Google Search Ads: Nominal search x interest targeting [Case study of car loan from a local bank] Issues ・Delivery at low CPA for nomination search “bank name x car loan” ・CPA soars for nomination search “bank name” alone・Increase in CPA for general search “my car loan” ・Improvement of CPA ■Measures/Countermeasures Distribute by multiplying interest targeting (affinity, segment with high purchase intention) to individual nomination search. ■ Results When compared to "bank name x car loan", the CPA is soaring, but it is delivered at a low CPA compared to general-purpose keywords...

What are the Solid principles that developers should follow?

What are the Solid principles? Object-oriented programming rules designed to make it easier for developers to write programs that are easy to read and maintainable Meaning of Solid S: SRP, single responsibility principle O: OCP, release closure Principle L: LSP, Liskov Substitution Principle I: ISP, Interface Separation Principle D: DIP, Dependency Inversion Principle This time, I would like to explain "SRP, Single Responsibility Principle" and "OCP, Open Closed Principle". . What is the Single Responsibility Principle? When I looked it up, it was explained as follows: One class should have only one responsibility...

Facebook Ad Operation ~Creative Verification~

 (1) Image vs. Illustration ■Challenges Advertiser: Consultation with financial institutions (start-up loans) → What kind of creatives are good for those who want to start a business? ■Measures and countermeasures ・There were industries that advertisers often consulted with, as well as illustrations depicting various industries, so I used those as well. ■Results ・We were able to confirm that the illustrated banner had a higher CTR than other industry banners. ■Factors of results ・It is clear that illustrations give a better impression!・Since various industries are drawn, it may be easy for anyone to imagine. ②Face…

Why aren't my followers growing? Points for using Instagram

Person in charge Survey period Person in charge: AT Survey period: January 20-January 29, 2021 Purpose "I'm making and operating an Instagram account, but my followers don't grow at all." There are many companies that are plagued by account management, and the worries vary depending on the industry, but I think the roots are the same. Therefore, when operating an Instagram account, we have to solve these problems: ・Why are my followers not growing? ・What should I post? ・Why is Instagram being used in the first place?

New ads that deliver experiences

Survey period and person in charge Survey period: February 2021 Person in charge: YM What is VR advertising? Simply put, VR advertising is advertising placed in a VR space. When you browse video platforms such as Youtube, you may see ads while browsing. Similarly, on VR platforms, advertisements can be displayed in the VR space. Advertisements displayed in this VR space are called VR advertisements. Various companies are currently working on advertising using VR, and as VR spreads, it will become established as a new type of advertising. Advantages of VR advertising VR advertising…

Impact of LNG thermal power and future trends

Survey period/person in charge Survey period: February 2021 Person in charge: KK Purpose The super-high JEPX has regained its composure, and each new electric power company continues to be busy with measures in preparation for the next surge. LNG shortage became a problem as one of the causes of this time, but we investigated what exactly happened. Factors behind the soaring price In the first place, the factors that led to the soaring price were multiple factors, including: ・Increased electricity demand due to the cold wave at the end of December ・The supply cannot keep up with the global demand for LNG (liquefied natural gas) ・Decrease in domestic electricity supply It is speculated that these elements are intertwined…

How to prepare for development without knowledge

Survey period and person in charge Survey period: November 2020 Person in charge: HI Purpose In system development, investigate what is necessary for the mindset when developing without knowledge (development with technology stack such as language without knowledge). rice field. Survey content Whether or not to conduct development without knowledge When developing a system, there are times when development is forced to use technology without knowledge. At that time, it is necessary to decide whether or not to carry out the development. The judgment criteria are considered as follows. Conditions for system development ◦Technologies that will be necessary for the system development team in the future ◦Perform system development…

Observation of regular mail order "tied model" and CVR, LTV

Survey period and person in charge Survey period: August 3, 2020 (Monday) to August 25, 2020 (Tuesday) Person in charge: Marketing Division, Sales Partner Div. SY I was in charge of two types (two types of the same product with or without binding), but looking at the number of affiliate applications for tie-ups, the "no binding" is overwhelmingly more popular. This is the media side's assumption that "general consumers will prefer the one without restrictions = the one without restrictions is a program with high CVR". On the other hand, from the point of view of advertisers, “subscription…

Spatial 3D Scanning Issues and Solution Approaches

In recent years, 3D scanners have become popular, and inexpensive scanners have also appeared, making it easier to scan 3D data. Data scanned with a 3D scanner can be acquired as point cloud data (PointCloud). At that time, the amount of data at the level of scanning a small object is small, but the amount of data when scanning a space (such as an office floor) becomes enormous. If the amount of data becomes enormous, there will be problems when scanning and referring to data after scanning. This time, with the aim of not requiring much data accuracy and operating even with lower spec H / W, the following …

June 2020 Various media new features NEWS

This is a notice of new functions and new information related to web advertising. Update of YouTube Ads / Release of New Tools Update of YouTube Ads / Release of New Tools ①Response to TV screen for brand lift survey ■What can you do? From April 14, 2020, Google released a beta version of "YouTube Video Builder", a tool that allows you to create YouTube advertising videos (6-, 15-, and 16-second videos). Anyone can easily start YouTube by preparing a logo, a few images and text.

[Event postponed] [Jointly held by Yahoo] Yahoo! Ads Display advertising (YDN) trends and utilization seminar!

Optimizer Co., Ltd. has canceled this seminar co-sponsored by Yahoo Japan Corporation due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection and as a result of giving top priority to the health and safety of participants and related parties. I decided to do it. We sincerely apologize. We apologize to all of you who have registered to participate, but we appreciate your understanding. This seminar is scheduled to be held at a later date, but the date and time of the seminar is undecided at this time. As soon as the date and time of the event are confirmed, the schedule will be republished on the website of Optimizer Co., Ltd.

Comparison of EC sites (amazon/Rakuten) from the customer's point of view

Survey period and person in charge Survey period: October 9, 2020 to October 30, 2020 Person in charge: YK go. By the way, I'm an Amazon person. Users of Rakuten and Amazon According to the April 2020 Monthly Total report, amazon had the most users in total digital, excluding duplication of PCs and mobiles, with about 52.53 million people using it 44 times a month on average. are doing. Rakuten, which had the second largest number, has about 51.38 million people using Amazon every month.

October 2019 NEWS for each media

This is a notice of new functions and new information related to web advertising. 1. Google Ads Smart Bidding has been updated. ① Introduction of “seasonal adjustment” ■What can be done? It is now possible to adjust the estimated conversion rate in advance when a large change in the conversion rate is expected due to a planned event (sale, campaign, new product launch, etc.). For search and display campaigns that use automated bidding, you can adjust estimated conversion rates for specific time periods, campaigns, and devices. …

September 2019 NEWS for each media

This is a notice of new functions and new information related to web advertising. 1, Google Ads Search Ads have been updated. ① Expansion of delivery keywords to similar patterns ■How was the change made? Until now, ads were only served for search terms that had the same meaning as the keyword (similar pattern), but ads were displayed for search terms with similar patterns for phrase match and broad match refinement. Now With the number of searches using new search terms increasing day by day, this is not necessary to create a list that covers all keywords.

August 2019 NEWS for each media

This is a notice of new functions and new information related to web advertising. 1. Google Ads Shopping Ads have been updated. ① You can check the performance of your LP ■What will you be able to do? Starting June 19, 2019, you can see the performance of landing pages from your Shopping campaigns in the Landing Pages tab of Google Ads. ② Optimize the landing page ■What can you do? Landing page optimization for shopping ads is similar to randy for regular search ads.

July 2019 NEWS for each media

This is a notice of new functions and new information related to web advertising. 1. Yahoo! Display Ad Network (YDN) Improved functions related to manuscript size. *The following function improvement updates are scheduled to be implemented from late July to early August 2019. ① Submission by image/video aspect ratio ■What can you do? If the aspect ratio (size ratio between height and width) matches the image/video size stipulated by the ad type, it will be possible to submit (upload) images/videos with sizes different from the stipulated size. Also, uploading images and videos...

June 2019 NEWS for each media

NEWS for each media New functions and new information related to WEB advertisements. 1. Google Ads ① New Ads “Discovery Ads” ■What kind of ads? Carousel-style ads that serve to your Gmail, Discover, and YouTube Home feeds. Until now, it was necessary to have a video to start advertising on YouTube, so it can be said that the implementation of Discovery Ads has made it easier to start YouTube advertising. ■When will it be available? In the second half of 2019, all…

May 2019 NEWS for each media

NEWS for each media New functions and new information related to WEB advertisements. 1. Yahoo! Search Ads 1. Sponsored Search Update ■Adjustment of bids by device during automatic bidding For campaigns with automatic bidding type "target conversion cost" and ad groups under them, <reduction rate: 100% > was valid. With this update, the <Increase rate: 0% to 900%> and <Decrease rate: 1% to 90%> settings have been enabled. In addition, this function has been applied sequentially from April 11, and by April 26...

March 2019 NEWS for each media

NEWS for each media New functions and new information related to WEB advertisements. 1. YDN ① Launch of Dynamic Display Ads Based on the behavior history of each user on the advertiser's site, it is now possible to distribute dynamic ads customized for each site visitor. ■ What is dynamic display advertising? An ad that selects recommended products based on each user's activity history on the site and displays personalized creatives to users who visit the advertiser's site and view the products. With the same function as "dynamic remarketing ads" in GDN...

The key to success in the EC business lies in attracting repeat customers and new high-quality customers! Report on the 2nd single-item repeat mail order business seminar

Hello! This is shimodaira from public relations. In the EC business, it is now essential to increase the number of repeat customers. However, there is a limit to how much you can increase sales. In the first place, there are few existing customers, and we have already tried various measures for existing customers, but sales do not increase easily, and if we want to increase sales, we absolutely need new customers. Therefore, it is important to increase the LTV (customer lifetime value) at the timing of acquiring new customers by discovering customers who are likely to become excellent customers with high repeat rates and loyalty in the future.

Learn from professional web marketers! What are "Important WEB measures for EC business success that you can't ask now"? 1st new excavation edition event report

Hello, this is Shimodaira from PR. I'm currently an optimizer, and I'm doing various support work as a bocchi public relations (= I'm the only public relations in the company). If you don't have a PR senior in the company, let's teach PR people at other companies! I have attended many seminars and workshops. If you can't adjust your schedule and can't participate, you can read the event report posted on the internet at a later date and hold a study session by yourself. Thank you very much for reporting. In fact, with Optimizer, web marketers…

3 ways to search for keywords in listing ads using Google Analytics

Google Analytics can be used to optimize listing ads For listing ads, Google's "Keyword Planner", Yahoo! , you can search for keywords related to your company's services and products. This time, after the start of operation, it will be useful when searching for new keywords that can be expected to increase the number of clicks and generate conversions as one measure when the number of clicks decreases or the generation of conversions is sluggish.

novelty marketing

We also accept OEM orders under the Mud Pie brand according to customer requirements. In the past, we have a track record of manufacturing products in collaboration with beauty product manufacturers and custom-made products through tie-ups with web shops. If you would like to receive an estimate for your project or would like to introduce a product, please fill out the form below. Hollywood cosmetics novelty bag Yanase novelty bag Onward Kashiyama/Enifam original tote FABIA original tote Mud Pie was established in 1988…

Potential for decentralized media success in Japan

In the second research, we delved into overseas curation media. Researching the characteristics and strategies of two sites, "Buzz Feed" and "Upworthy", which are currently popular curation media. Although both sites have different strategies, they work well with native ads and generate the majority of revenue. After all, the basic monetization model was an advertising model, no different from Japan. Under such circumstances, it turns out that "distributed media", which does not have its own website and distributes content directly to each SNS, is attracting attention as a new form of media.

Learn from masterpieces! 8 impressions and usage examples given by composition

In this column, we will look at the impressions given by various masterpieces and examples of how they are used, with the aim of improving layout skills that are conscious of space, and effective arrangement and expressiveness of elements. It is said that aesthetic sense is largely dependent on individual subjectivity. However, "composition" is an objective criterion that is often used in paintings and architecture. By incorporating the method of composition into web design, let's acquire a universal sense, shorten the time to worry about layout, and pursue efficiency! Analysis of the three compositions featured this time from masterpieces Three-division composition “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” (reference…

Strategy of overseas curated media that has not landed in Japan and verification of its business model and monetization

  Purpose In the second research, we will research several overseas curation media companies with business models and strategies that have not landed in Japan, and verify the possibility of success when operating in Japan. In particular, we will focus on new monetization methods, and also describe points to note and success points when applying them with optimizers. Looking back on the previous article In the first research, I analyzed the background of the rise of curation media in Japan and the differences and trends with overseas curation media. As a result, the strategy of curation media in Japan and overseas is vertical development and horizontal development.

TUCKER'S Snacks where you can casually eat the hottest superfoods (quinoa, chia seeds, freekeh, flaxseed/linseed)!

Australia's natural snack "TUCKER'S" No trans fatty acids used! Feel free to enjoy the hottest superfoods (quinoa, chia seeds, freekeh, flaxseed/linseed) ♪ What is "TUCKER'S"? In 2007, when the health-conscious TUCKER'S (TUCKER family) were shopping in Australia, they could not find a satisfactory product, and the brand story began. "We do not use artificially modified ingredients as raw materials." We do not use any additives such as preservatives.

Free video chat tool for business

About video chat services in Japan Today, video chat is commonplace, but in the beginning, there was a time when there was only text chat with only text exchanges. has achieved As it has evolved, the amount of information that can be exchanged has increased dramatically. Various video chat services are making use of these technologies in business, such as customer service and internal meetings. Online English conversation services such as, online preparatory schools, and live chat services in the adult industry are all in one place.

Global trends in web design! Featured framework and layout introduction

Purpose ・To clarify the changes in the experience users seek from the Internet in line with the spread of smartphones and changes in the web environment.・Respond to issues that change with the trends of companies (clients) and reduce operational costs.・We, the production side, build up our own production results in line with trends, stay one step ahead of client issues as trends change, and solve problems and make proposals to clients. Research Content ■Research Summary The increase in smartphone users has had a significant impact on the web environment. The experience that users want from the Internet is changing...

Analysis of Curation Sites and Research on Growth Potential

Overview/Purpose Today, the Internet is flooded with information overload, and the provision of information to consumers is not optimized. In response to this issue, "curation services" that organize and transmit information from a unique perspective have been attracting attention in recent years. This research analyzes the market size and strategies of each curation media, and concludes the points necessary for curation media that can be monetized in the future. Research contents ■Definition of curation media on the web■ First of all, what is the definition of curation media on the web? Simply put, the Internet is...

World MD Bringing products from all over the world to everyone in Japan

Launched "World MD", a service that introduces selected merchandise through its own route. ◆Creating an opportunity to escape from price competition in the distribution industry Optimizer Co., Ltd., a comprehensive strategic marketing company for companies, collects information on manufacturers in each country through its own route, and provides products and information that can be a strategy for differentiation from you. We have opened the service "World MD" to introduce. Currently, mass-produced products, high-priced products, and OEM products cannot differentiate themselves from competitors, and tend to be price-competitive. World MD wants out of such competition! and grope...

6 popular website pattern graphics

Pattern graphics influence design quality and impression Pattern graphics influence design quality and impression, and researching these will lead to improvements in design quality in the future. So, I summarized what kind of patterns are used in recent websites. (1) Lines and dots A pattern in which thin diagonal lines and fine dots are arranged regularly. Recently, dots are used as a filter for photos and videos. →It can make low-resolution images look less rough. Science Triangles, squares, rhombuses...

Shorten work time and increase efficiency by improving Illustrator usage skills

Web design of Illustrator ■ Advantages of Illustrator Comparison with Photoshop ・When designing for PC is converted to smartphone Photoshop: You have to open a separate file for each device size. When enlarging the size of an object, the image quality is degraded. Illustrator: Work with multiple designs in the same file by using the artboard tool (CS4 and later). Since it is vector data, the resolution does not change even if the object is enlarged or reduced.・When transferring files Photo…

UI/UX points in responsive web design

Necessity of designs that take access from smartphones into consideration In some industries, such as food, clothing, and beauty, access from smartphones has already surpassed that of PCs. This trend is accelerating especially in the BtoC industry, and it is predicted that smartphone access will exceed PC access to almost all sites. The design should not only be designed for PCs, but should also be designed with access from smartphones in mind. It is necessary to be conscious of the design centered on touch devices from the mouse-centered operation as before. Think about the design first...

Illustrator tutorials to accent your design

Have you ever felt that something was missing while designing? Therefore, this time, we will introduce a tutorial for Illustrator that can be used as an accent for your design. Sketchy Text Tutorial Vectips Creates a handwritten feel. How about using it as a title? How to create a three-dimensional icon using Illustrator's glow (inner) function illustrator mania You can easily create a three-dimensional icon. It can be used for various things other than icons.

What percentage of people changed their attitude after watching a promotional video on YouTube?

25.0% of those who have watched the company's official promotional video answered that they have purchased a product or service as a result of watching it. In addition, when including those who considered purchasing, it reached 40% of the total. In addition, more than 20% of people have visited the site because of pre-roll type advertisements (video advertisements played before viewing), and it can be seen that it is effective as an opportunity to learn about companies and brands. 1 in 4 people have purchased a product after watching a YouTube video Have you ever watched a company's official promotional video on YouTube?

Google AdWords Video Ads (YouTube Ads)

What is YouTube The world's No. 1 video sharing site, where videos are posted very actively by both professionals and amateurs, providing a variety of content. Mobile (smartphone) video sharing site is the second largest in the world, boasting an overwhelming scale unrivaled by other companies. With Google AdWords, you can promote your company's ads to users around the world by posting them on YouTube. In addition, since there are various contents, it is possible to set advertisements for various user attributes. There are three types of ad formats:

Listing - match type

Recently, we are conducting a listing course for new graduates in-house, but attention is focused on things like the cost per click and targeting functions such as devices, time, and regions, and we are not able to convey the importance of it. There is one setting that I feel. It's a match type. The match type must never be forgotten when conducting listing operations. The match type controls which search keywords the registered keyword will be displayed for. Those who do not control match types should not operate listings. So match...

Basic knowledge of ad technology

Overview Ad technology (also called advertising technology, ad tech, ad tech, etc.) refers to systems related to Internet advertising. This applies not only to display advertising, but to all areas of advertising that make full use of technology. The following three techniques are mainly used.・Media (Provide the area where advertisements are displayed.) ・Ad distribution (Distribute advertisements according to a certain logic for media.) ・Effect measurement (Aggregate and evaluate the results of distributed advertisements.)

Custom-made product development

The popular Mudpie tote series with initial embroidery on chic design tote. You can create a custom-made product for such an adult cute mud pie according to your request! For example... Events, novelties, limited edition models, etc. We will propose the best product design for your target audience, from standard tote bags to pouches and pen cases, according to your needs. The products we propose include standard tote bags, pouches, pen cases, and more. Many collaborations so far...

Strategic website structure analysis

Necessity of Structural Analysis The communication infrastructure of the Internet is no longer special, but with the explosive spread of smartphones and tablet terminals in recent years, an environment has been created in which users can access the same information as PCs even if they access with mobile terminals, making it more familiar. became something. Whether it is an individual or a company, the purpose of use varies, but from the user's point of view, due to its characteristics, it is mainly used for researching and searching for something. The sight of finding a site is now even routine. While it has become convenient, it is now enormously bloated ...

Sambroa Nail Manicure

Australia's sambora (Sambora) Beach Toes manicure Global Commerce Division utilizes its own connections to discover and produce excellent overseas brands that have not landed in Japan. The theme this time is "Nails for athletes" manicure optimizing the untapped sports market What is Australia sambora? Australia, the country with the strongest ultraviolet rays in the world, is said to be one of the most advanced countries in terms of UV protection. Founded in 2011 by sambora, now Oath…

gea pumpkin seed oil (edible cosmetic oil)

Pumpkin Seed Oil Global Commerce Division of GEA Slovenia utilizes its own connections to discover and produce excellent overseas brands that have not landed in Japan. The theme this time is "Diversifying and optimizing the expanding edible oil market" to produce the next market for olive oil. What is Slovenia GEA? The mysterious Republic of Slovenia is located east of Italy and south of Austria, surrounded by the Adriatic Sea and the Alps. Known as a world-famous resort area, it is also famous for its wine. GEA was founded in 1904 and has been operating for 110 years…

Mud Pie

The Global Commerce Division, which handles various products around the world, has started handling popular American miscellaneous goods brands! Mud Pie, which sparked the initial boom, not only tote bags from the United States, but also fashion miscellaneous goods and gift items that are popular in the United States. We aim to develop a fast fashion brand centered on miscellaneous goods in the Japanese market. Don't miss the Japanese-only items and American pop and cute items! In October 2012, the Global Commerce Division signed a contract with mudpie in the United States.


Optimize America's No. 1 baby clothing brand in the global distribution business! The only carter's full lineup in Japan can be ordered! In 2008, the Global Commerce Division began distribution of the American baby clothing brand "carter's." We are engaged in online sales for the general public from our own site, Rakuten Mall. We are also developing a wholesale business for retailers and online shops. It is used by many shops. What is Carter's? Carters was founded in 1865 in Massachusetts, USA.