Aggressive Call Center & BPO Service Focused on Customer Acquisition

Service Domain
Electricity Deregulation Domain
We provide construction and operation of call centers to new electric power companies along with the liberalization of electric power. It covers the necessary areas from switching operation for low voltage, charge calculation, billing processing, payment management, and dunning. In addition, we also support the development and operation of CRM and CIS specializing in coordination between systems and approvals and new electric power.
- Construction of contact center for new electric power
- switching support
- Billing management
Online Trading Domain
We provide order reception and customer consultation call center for mail-order businesses. We support consulting that considers the decrease in churn. We also offer a one-stop EC consulting service. In addition, we also provide services such as unearthing dormant customers, new customers, and payment reminders as an outbound service.
- Subscription operation
- Building cosmetics-related relationships
- Content service operation
Financial Domain
As a bank business promotion, we provide highly specialized outsourcing services such as business related to insurance and finance, construction and operation of call centers, outsourcing of banking operations and provision of human resources. For insurance business operators, we cover a wide range of areas, such as building our own sales channels for the insurance we handle and forming alliances with other industries.
- Bancassurance
- Bank Back Office
- Dispatch of experienced personnel
- Credit management, receivables management, collection
Next-Generation ICT Call Center Infrastructure Setup
Overview of the Call Center
In addition to responding to consumer inquiries and outbound sales promotions, we provide a one-stop service for various operations related to call center operations.
Optimizer call center solution
- Dispatch of operators
- Provision of call center systems
- Manual creation
- Call center construction and operation
- Operation report
- knowledge management
- Support and sales suggestions
We provide one-stop support from introduction to operation to enhancement proposals.
Electric power liberalization area - PPS for new electric power companies
Inbound call center operation
We provide telemarketing services with a high degree of freedom of location based on the latest cloud-type call center system that conforms to retailer registration. We manage all processes from inquiries to proposals and post-contract customer support, and promote sales based on product characteristics and sales strategies from the customer's perspective. Utilize full call recording and analysis functions to help improve service levels.
Outbound call center operation
We will build an outbound call center for high and low voltage. Based on the latest cloud-based PBX, we provide telemarketing services with a high degree of freedom in location. We will increase the mobility of sales from proposals to business negotiations and acquisition of electricity details (for low voltage, until application). We carry out thorough process management and promote sales with a sales strategy based on product characteristics and the customer's perspective. Utilize full call recording and analysis functions to help improve service levels.
CRM introduction support for new electric power
For new electric power sales, you can manage potential business negotiations from the target list and 12-month power contract status by facility. You can quickly calculate the unit price and create a proposal. We will build an offensive environment with improved organizational efficiency using the cloud. It can also be used for agent management.
Debt Collection Management
In cooperation with our partner's payment agency service, we provide business support and consignment of overall collection operations, including contract management such as payment status and due date management of receivables to be collected, as well as legal procedures.
Temporary Staffing/Contracting
From a marketing perspective, we support business alliances with list holder companies that have a large number of powerful products and customers/members in order to improve customer satisfaction and build new revenue models.
Low voltage CIS introduction support
We provide a customer information system that not only responds to the liberalization of electric power but also supports other products such as L gas, MVNO, and monthly services. We support the introduction as a comprehensive platform from application to switching linkage, calculation of monthly usage amount, settlement, and credit management.
We provide highly specialized outsourcing services such as temporary staffing for sales departments and support desks in the call center of the new electric power business, and contract work at our own call center.
Online Transactions - E-commerce & B2B Trading
E-commerce Back Office Support for Retail
We will improve your customer satisfaction through telephone inquiries and order reception, and increase customer loyalty by acquiring large purchases and repeat customers. In addition to accepting orders over the phone, we also support the expansion of our clients' sales channels by responding to a variety of order-taking operations, including e-mail, fax, and postcards. It is possible to outsource everything from receiving orders, responding to various inquiries, and storing and delivering products.
Customer Development Consulting
We will break down the process of developing a customer from the first purchase to a repeat customer, propose a scenario, and plan for its execution. We will build a relationship of trust between consumers and your company by building relationships from multiple channels, and we will work to develop them into medium- to long-term customers. Based on the scenario after the initial purchase, we will handle leaflets, pamphlets, shipping, email transmission, etc.
Online Chat
We will introduce a solution that allows real-time chat with users visiting the site and build a customer approach system by operators. By actively talking to customers, we solve their concerns and lead to orders. By specifying the company, it is also possible to support corporate customers.
Debt Collection Management
In cooperation with our partner's payment agency service, we provide business support and consignment of overall collection operations, including contract management such as payment status and due date management of receivables to be collected, as well as legal procedures.
Temporary Staffing/Contracting
From a marketing perspective, we support business alliances with list holder companies that have a large number of powerful products and customers/members in order to improve customer satisfaction and build new revenue models.
Regular purchase CIS introduction support
We provide a customer information system that supports other products. We will support the introduction as a comprehensive platform from application, calculation of monthly amount, settlement, and credit management.
We provide highly specialized outsourcing services such as temporary staffing for sales departments and support desks in call centers, and outsourcing services for our own call centers.
Financial Area Insurance – insurance
Insurance Consulting
We offer a nationwide deployment of our sales department, which handles the distribution of insurance products from various insurance companies, through a hybrid channel that integrates telemarketing, field services, web marketing, and insurance shops. With access to products from 35 different insurance companies, we establish a structure that allows us to provide personalized products to each individual customer, using the methods they prefer.
Call Center Operation
Based on a call center system that makes full use of the latest IT technology, we provide telemarketing services for both inbound and outbound from 5 partner locations nationwide. We manage all processes from approach and inquiries to proposals and post-contract customer support.
Manufacturer Consulting
We provide high-level consulting services in specialized insurance fields such as product development, profitability analysis, and risk management for insurance companies (manufacturers) in Japan and overseas.
Product Development
We will develop small-amount, short-term insurance products by pursuing “really necessary insurance” based on the real voices we have obtained through dialogue with customers through insurance consulting.
Agency Consulting
We provide a wide range of know-how, from the start-up of an insurance agency to support for organization and human resource development. Utilizing the composition know-how of a franchise agency group consisting of 30 companies nationwide. Build your own sales channel.
In order to improve customer satisfaction and support the construction of new revenue models, we will form business alliances with list holder companies that have a large number of customers and members, and provide money consulting for customers using insurance products such as reviewing household finances and inheritance measures.
Temporary Staffing/Contracting
We provide highly specialized outsourcing services related to insurance and finance, such as temporary staffing for sales departments and support desks at call centers of banks and insurance companies, and outsourcing services at our own call centers.
Financial Area Banks – BankAlliance Bank Alliance
Bank Cash Balance
We provide one-stop support from the construction of bank call centers, which require strict compliance standards and risk management and security systems, to operational management operations. Under a highly productive sales system, we offer insurance products to depositors through telemarketing. We offer proposal sales.
Bank Back Office
As a BPO business specializing in financial institutions, we outsource bank back-office operations to specialists who have a wealth of practical experience at various financial institutions, including banks. We provide a wide range of business support, from customer information management and inquiry counters to highly specialized and confidential sections.
Credit Management
We provide product development, formulate credit standards for transactions, and support the development of loans and transaction services provided by financial institutions.
Debt Collection Management
We provide business support and consignment for all collection operations including contract management such as payment status and due date management of the receivables to be collected at our partner (servicer) or in-house, including legal procedures.
Agency Consulting
We provide a wide range of know-how, from the start-up of an insurance agency to support for organization and human resource development. Utilizing the composition know-how of a franchise agency group consisting of 30 companies nationwide. Build your own sales channel.